reasons to be cheerful, part 1

The Renaissance Monkey wrote something t’other day about things that make one disproportionately happy. It brought a smile to my face so started adding things: …

Tragic Blind Date #462

Tragic Blind Date #462 I’ve never been good at dating, boyfriend-hunting, whatever you want to call it. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing …

rudy still can’t fail

self-indulgence is the heart of blogging. right? right? right. tonight at the pub, rudy can’t fail came on and i told my friend that i …

i [heart] crazies

OK, you know how every time I go to the Dolphin I’m in for all sorts of fun with the crazy/unwashed/generally unsavoury folk? Remember the …

recquies(cat) part 2

This came through during the night from a longstanding and beloved friend, and was too good not to post in its entirety: I’m so sorry …

requies(cat) in pace

Dear readers, I am sorry to report that it is the end of an era. The dearly loved and feared Kittenhead (aka Akasha) has passed …

still ok…

Sorry, everyone, for not posting yesterday… I am still OK, and getting the hell out of here for the weekend – booked a trip to …


it’s The Morning After, and we all seem to be feeling, predictably, a lot better. yesterday pretty much hit me like a truck – i …