no word

…from the doctor yet. She sat and listened to my symptoms and my woes for well nigh 20 minutes, bless her heart, and then took …

Well, I’m off to the

Well, I’m off to the doctor to find out what’s wrong with me (look forward to the list, everyone). In the meantime, I have discovered …

The religious right. I

The religious right. I can never decide whether to be amused or appalled. The link to this site came to me from a coworker, while …

sharing is caring

In the spirit of spreading joy and cheer, have this and this. Don’t say I never gave you anything.


Just a few small stylesheet and template tweaks, but my oh my does this feel better… maybe it was just the Times New Roman that …

Happy New Year

Apologies for the long hiatus to anyone who noticed it. I have spent the past 10 or so days doing little but cooking, eating, drinking …

interior desecrations redux

Stand back, Lileks* – these people are serious. Thanks to Phineas for the early-morning link – the Madonna Inn is a real, live, eye-bleeding horror. …

bye bye

Sad news today: longtime favorite AdCritic is no more.