
After more than two weeks of wrestling, i’ve finally been able to resurrect the site. ominously (or not), it died just as i was writing a bit of a thank you to the world on all hallow’s eve. i still want to put it out there, though, so here it is:

there was this girl one time who spent a whole big chunk of her life trying to figure out what she might be good at, and never stopping to see what she was. and lots of things happened to her and lots of things she made happen and some were good and some were bad and there was laughter and there were tears and there were all the good and difficult things that this world has to offer, and then there came a day when she just stopped. only for a moment, stopped and just felt it. felt her life and the changing of the colors and the changing of her body and the changing of her heart and she looked in the mirror and saw a clear light shining there. and the years and the tears and the love and the sorrow stopped dragging her down and started holding her up. and the world opened. and the night was clear and crisp and cold and the moon was full.

and she sang and she danced and she gave thanks.

i give thanks. for this day and that day and those between and those to come. and for all of you who have been there.

now hear this.


  1. stephen

    hooray! glad to see c-d back up, my dear. interesting how one can pay so much for fancy pants hosting, and not even get cgi scripting to work. blah. all hail the actually functioning server.

    quite beautiful writing too, it captures pretty well the time of the turning, when you either let yourself go or be contained.

    and all of us you have been there give thanks to you too. silly creature.

  2. brady

    quite an epiphany, eh? my transformation began on september 12, early in the morning. it’s just about complete. (see freewill intro ). just a little more to go…

    sending ya Big, Squishy love,


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