CHICAGO (AP*) — Following an initial meeting at a party last Saturday night, it is being reported that Chicago man Eugene M. Sheuenhauser* has secured a date for this Friday with a young woman in the advertising industry.
“She said that she liked going to this one bar in her neighborhood for fish and chips, so I figured that would be the path of least resistance,” said Sheuenhauser*. “Looks like I was right.”
Costello’s friends reacted favorably to the news, sending the 32-year old’s social reputation up several points in late trading. This marked a large percentage increase after a difficult first quarter. It remains to be seen if this is an indicator of a strong recovery for 2002, or perhaps just a more temporary rebound from earlier losses.
[thanks to Coz for the end of day treat]
Why would “Costello’s friends” give a damn about my date?!
This publication assumes no responsibility for lapses in anonymity.