Fun with SPAM
This found its way to my inbox this morning:
This found its way to my inbox this morning:
As many of you know, I have been halfheartedly pecking away at a redesign. Sadly, time and inclination have not often come toether for me, …
The following is an excerpt from a real, live e-mail that found its way into my in-box this morning. And I thought misused apostrophes were …
Elvis is everywhere, and now the big fat sequin-clad slob is making yet another comeback in pop culture, with the release of the (admittedly fab) …
As some of you have heard, Davezilla and I have been working on some tools to help you in your mating-and-dating life. We figured sometimes …
In the interest of furthering the positive communication between the genders, we here at Custom-Deluxe (certified pimptastic!), in cooperation with the fantaburific Davezilla have concoct- …
No, seriously. Name them. Here, I’ll get you started: 1. Ms. TortoiseHead & 2. Mr. Miranda (after Carmen, bien sûr!)
Yeah, I know, I *know* already! They’re coming! Sheesh.
I’m telling you, sometimes I love the French so much I want to cry. Check it out.
AREA WOMAN BACK IN AREA Chicago, IL — Area woman Miss Weeza returned to the area last night after a lovely ten-day European holiday. She …